Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fighting the Mongers again! Sumarizer to the rescue!

In the past few days, I have turned into the Pink Power Ranger! Samurai, Forever! Go! Go! Power Rangers!
Cameron in transitioning to Middle School and the School system wants to send him to a self contained class. For parents of children who do not have disabilities, let me explain that it means being in a class with children who all have disabilities. Nothing wrong with that.
However, in Cameron's case, they (the administrators and teachers) recommnended this in spite of Cameron making progress in a regular ed classroom and being pulled out for resource.
"Oooh! I am afraid for what might happen in Middle School", said his public school Speech Therapist. She started to cry.
I said: "That is the real world and he will have to learn how to deal with it when I am not here"
The law in the United States says that children with disabilities have to be placed within the least restrictive environment possible in the classrooms. If the kid makes progress in the least restrictive environment, then he or she should continue in that placement. However, the "monghers" and the budget cuts seem to believe that what is easier and cheaper for the Department of Education should be what rules.
Samurai Forever! GO GO!

This morning, the first day of school in the county where we live Cameron was not able to attend his home school in the least restrictive environment possible. We filed for due process.
The fist thing that he said this morning when he woke up was: mom, I want to listen to that Spanish song. "El Soldado".
I looked for it in You Tube and that was another confirmation for us to know that we are doing the right thing.
If only Juan Luis Guerra would know how much this song has meant to Cameron and to us....